BET Award Predictions: I Guess, You Guess..

The nominees for the 2006 BET Awards were announced today. I thought it would be fun for the next couple of weeks to make predictions - one category at a time - on who will win this year.
I'd like for you all to be involved - it's been a while since we had one of these interative posts.
I'd like to know what you think and why. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris Brown*
Jamie Foxx
Anthony Hamilton
Elle's Prediction: While I love, love, love me some Ne-Yo and I'd want nothing more for him to win, I don't think it will happen. 'So Sick' was a great debut single, the only problem is, it wasn't his debut single - 'Stay' ft/ Peedi Crack (which recieved either major play or none whatsoever depending on which coast you reside) was marginally successful. 'When Your Mad' has been stable on Billboard's Hot 100 peeking this week at #18, with 'So Sick' slowly descending this week at #30 from #28 last week. Despite these radio successes and a platinum debut album, Ne-Yo is just not as entertaining as Chris Brown - who I think will take this category.
Now a word about, Ant Ham and Prince and Jamie: They won't win because BET's target audience is too young. Last year's BET award's ceremony had an obvious 'grown and sexy' appeal brought on by hosts Will and Jada Smith; leaving Omarion's performance and acceptance speech seemingly misplaced. However, there is a noticeable difference this year and it's about a decade. The the year running between this year's show and last year's has ushered in Rihanna, Tierra Marie, Chris Brown, Bow Wow, Ciara, and Ne-Yo as the dominant force in popular urban music (hip-hop notwithstanding). Entertainment is getting younger and younger - BET has probably been the best purveyors of that reality.
And so, the slender dance sensation Chris Brown is my pick for this category. For male solo artists it seems to be that they must be one of two things: 1) Sexy balladeer that drives the women crazy (Teddy P, Jahiem, Avant) or 2) Dancing pop act (Bobby Brown, Usher, Omarion). At 16, Chris Brown falls into the second category, but with his adorable dimples and developing voice it remains to be seen if he'll mature into the first. Future aside, he's had incredible success with debut single 'Run It' that had young 20-somethings (plus) asking ourselves why are we getting it on the dance floor to a 15, er, 16 year old's song. Following up in RnB star maker fomula fashion, Chris Brown released 'Yo' as his second single - a cute ballad that was probably played to death at every junior high spring dance in the country.
Despite the fact that Ne-Yo's Hot 100 standing is ahead of Chris Brown's, Brown is far ahead of the pack with three strong singles and videos to compliment. I think he's a no-brainer for this category.
*tell what you think - I'll be waiting*
Now a word about, Ant Ham and Prince and Jamie: They won't win because BET's target audience is too young. Last year's BET award's ceremony had an obvious 'grown and sexy' appeal brought on by hosts Will and Jada Smith; leaving Omarion's performance and acceptance speech seemingly misplaced. However, there is a noticeable difference this year and it's about a decade. The the year running between this year's show and last year's has ushered in Rihanna, Tierra Marie, Chris Brown, Bow Wow, Ciara, and Ne-Yo as the dominant force in popular urban music (hip-hop notwithstanding). Entertainment is getting younger and younger - BET has probably been the best purveyors of that reality.
And so, the slender dance sensation Chris Brown is my pick for this category. For male solo artists it seems to be that they must be one of two things: 1) Sexy balladeer that drives the women crazy (Teddy P, Jahiem, Avant) or 2) Dancing pop act (Bobby Brown, Usher, Omarion). At 16, Chris Brown falls into the second category, but with his adorable dimples and developing voice it remains to be seen if he'll mature into the first. Future aside, he's had incredible success with debut single 'Run It' that had young 20-somethings (plus) asking ourselves why are we getting it on the dance floor to a 15, er, 16 year old's song. Following up in RnB star maker fomula fashion, Chris Brown released 'Yo' as his second single - a cute ballad that was probably played to death at every junior high spring dance in the country.
Despite the fact that Ne-Yo's Hot 100 standing is ahead of Chris Brown's, Brown is far ahead of the pack with three strong singles and videos to compliment. I think he's a no-brainer for this category.
*tell what you think - I'll be waiting*
personally, i could never
get into chris brown
he never impressed me
and i lost interested after i seen his performance on the soul train awards
however, your argument is very strong
chris brown may just win it
better he wins a BET award and not a grammy
i would not be surprised if Jamie
sneaks up and wins the award
especially that jamie appeals to
all-ages and races after his
oscar performance
on top of the fact that miami vice
should drop around the time of the award show
i would like neyo to win it
he was the most impressive r&b cat this year
he will be extremely rich due to his songwriting
and as an artist, he has potential for a successful career
prince - i mean, i love prince's classic work
but he fell off the face of the earth the day after 3121 was released
anthony hamiliton had a real quiet year
his record sales werent strong this time around, but he manages to sell shows
he had too quiet of a year to win
I agree with your Jamie prediction - I did count him out without an honest assessment but that is becaus I wasn unimpressed with his album - I didn't think it was genuine. Should been Tank presents Jamie Foxx
Additionally,after seeing that NBC special - I was like, um... Not to mention his videos aren't that good - which are necessary to capture the audience that hasn't heard you on the radio.
And although Miami Vice is about to drop - lately Jamie has seemed like a caricature of an RnB singer (all those orgy news stories from London). More and more I am thinking he "Might Need Security" from himself...and just go back to acting.
*I still love you jamie*
ummm im not into chris and i agree with the previous poster's opinions about him.
ne-yo's songwriting skills are kickin and id like him to win.
i think it will either be jamie or chris brown though. there has been alot more buzz about those two for a longer period of time than ne-yo...
you make a good point about the target audience so i kind of agree with anthony and prince...and yeah people love anthony hamilton but not enough...prince will always be prince but i dont know if his album was released to late or something to make an impact...and i was very disappointed with jamie foxx's music special and his videos...i dont know why i expected so much more from him...i think because he portrays himself as a creative person and so his videos just fade into the background with everybody else who has the party, the girl and the boy, the beach, whatever...
go ne-yo!
yes, I love Anthony Hamilton and while I enjoyed his latest release, I can't name any single that was released to radio (not the I listen to the radio, but those things tend to find their way into common knowledge).
I think I got the Chris Brown bug later in the game - I could only listen to 'Yo' so many times before it started to hurt my ears. But I will say this, growing up a huge Michael Jackson fan, I am a sucker for a dancing act and Chris Brown got me with his new single...
The more I think about it though, I think Jamie may be a good contender...although I don't think he should get an award for that mess.
Jamz, I expected more from him too...that's because he is creative, but he let someone else take the driver's seat with this project (maybe because his first one wasn't commercially successful).
*willie beaman, remember!*
jamie's album was interesting
i am not gonna front
i liked alot of the material on the album
i believe its moreso of a "man" album
but he had some great joints for the ladies (see: you still got it and wish you were here)
honestly, i am glad jamie got help
i hated when he used his show as a weekly demo
he had the talent, but he needed guidance
i think tank, sean garrent (writer of my boo and alot of other hits), and RL did a great job of mentoring him
jamie knew his limits and his strengths and found a zone to produce a smooth r&b joint
also, my expectations werent high because i know his day job is acting and music is his hobby
and made music better than some cats that need to give up music as their day job (see: ginuwine, donell jones (he's been struggling since life goes on), bobby v, etc)
but jamie is an entertainer and
he successfully crossed over from
film to radio
furthermore, his tv special was a great marketing angle
he doesnt have the time (and prolly the vocal skills) to promote his album like a typical r&b cat
so, he used his popularity towards his advantage
he had a primetime tv show special
that catered to a wide audience
wasnt he on oprah too?
i think yall should revisit unpredictable
-The Honorable
All I am saying: UNPREDICTABLE was a befitting title for that album.
"Yoooooooooooooooo!" He's gonna win.
But I love Ne-Yo :(
-roomie d.
Honestly, I boycott BET. Everything about BET goes against what I stand for. I see little kids all the time speaking in broken english, running around and acting a damn fool, but yet they can lean wit' it and rock wit' it like they invented the dance.
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