Elle's Pic of the Week

I could have sworn that once I hit the carpet and they announced "Elle B." the photogrophers were gonna stop and stare, like "Who?"
But they didn't. It was fun. The event was a birthday party for celeb hair stylist Shirlena Allen. I heard that the party was live later on, but I am not on the level where I can party all night and wake up at 11a the next morning...although I am upset that I missed the goodie bags.
Oh well.
Tonight there are two more events: 1) Tyrese is having a pre-grammy shindig at his Studio and 2) Some pre-grammy party downtown
I'll most likely be in the studio tonight finishing up my demo tape for my GiNormous audition on Friday.
lookin good girl!
--jammy jam jam
you looked very pretty. i'm glad you got the experience-keep it up and make those contacts girrrrl!
You look great Elle!
wow -- in a good way, it's crazy you're blowing up right before our eyes.
Look at you, mama! Work that red carpet!
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