Thursday, December 29, 2005

And Now a Word from Our Sponsors....

Naw not really, but these are two of my good friends, doing their thing...please show em' love.

The Cynical Ones
Awards Time:
Part I (12.28.05)
Part II (12.29.05)

"I Ain't Dead Award: Mariah Carey for The Emancipation of Mimi and Mary J. Blige for The Breakthrough. Two good albums delivered by two long written off artists. Take that, take that."

Black Thought II:

His interivew with Common for AOL Black Voices

In reference to ‘I Used to Love Her,’ what is she/hip hop doing now?

I think she is becoming a grown person. She is expressing her creative side, her gangster side, her businesswoman side. She’s been through a lot of trials and tribulations and is still actually showing growth. She’s open minded and allowing progressive artists to touch her and allowing gangsters to touch her. She is taking care of business. I love her. I love hip-hop.

Check out the entire interview HERE.

*Enjoy and Peace*


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